Adult Daycare Resources to Support All of our Programs

To support all Align Life Center Adult Daycare programs, documentation and answers to commonly asked questions are here for your convenience. Contact us for the latest and greatest information.

Adult Daycare Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


adult daycare faq

What are your ratios?

Each classroom has specified ratios. Overall, our ratios are best-in-class and vary by age.

When is the center closed?

We post and observe most major holidays. We post closures for inclement and dangerous weather online and in local media, also.

How do you communicate with parents/guardians/loved ones?

The parents/guardians/loved ones of individuals at the adult daycare programs receive daily comments and journaling. In addition, we provide a monthly newsletter to share news, event information, and other notes with our parent community.

Adult Daycare Health & Saftey

  • How often do you clean the rooms?
    • All of our rooms have cleaning schedules for different areas of the classroom throughout the week. If a teacher sees a patron cough or sneeze on equipment, it is immediatly cleaned and sanitized. Equally important, the classrooms are cleaned twice a day. Additionally, the tables and bathrooms are disinfected after each use.
  • What is your policy regarding sick patrons?
    • If a patron has symptoms, they must remain at home. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a contagious disease.
  • What if someone other than my spouse/partner or me has to pick up my loved one?
    • In order to protect your loved one, we require that you provide the names of any individual who have permission to pick them up. We require advance notice when someone other than a family member will be picking up your loved one and we will check identification. If we have any questions or concerns, we ask that you are available via cell phone to provide confirmation.
  • What security measures are in place to protect my loved one?
    • Chiefly, your loved one’s safety and your peace of mind are of the utmost concern at Align Life Center. Fencing surrounds the facility and playground. All visitors must register in our lobby to gain access into our facility.
  • Can parents stop by unannounced?
    • Yes, parents are welcome at the facilty to access their loved one at anytime, but for the safety of all patrons, access to the classroom is by appointment only.


  • What curriculum do you follow?
    • Align Life Center uses a balance of in classroom and on-the-go time including time and activities spent inside and outside. Activities and curriculums are based on the interested of the patrons.
  • During their time at Align Life Center, what will my loved one be learning?
    • We train individuals on job related skills, life skills, and best safety practices in the classroom setting and in the community.
  • Do you provide meals and snacks?
    • Yes! A menu will be sent home monthly stating what and when Align Life Center serves food. Patrons are always welcome to bring in their own food.
  • Do you welcome parent/guardians/loved ones involvement?
    • “YES!” Our center is a community that embraces the whole family. We also encourage parents to come in and talk about their careers, help with projects at home that need to be completed and returned, lending objects of units of study and anything else that will help get parents involved.


  • How many staff members are CPR & First Aid Certified?
    • All of them! We also have a nurse on staff to oversee all care.
  • How long have your teachers been teaching?
    • We take staff qualifications seriously, so we employ only experienced care providers. Our staff have experience ranging from 4 years to 15 years of experience.
  • What is your staff turnover rate?
    • The lowest in the industry. Some staff have been with us since we opened.


  • Generally, what forms of payment do you take?
    • All private funding is by direct withdraw. We also accept public funds through Ohio DODD.
  • What are the costs for childcare?
    • Please Contact Us for the most up-to-date pricing.